Angela's Hypnotherapy, Coaching and Reiki Room
Reiki Healing
Mindfulness and Meditation coaching
Empath and Intuit
Teacher and tutor

Holistic Therapy for Mind, Body and Soul
Babies are born with only two fears – the fear of being dropped and the fear of loud noises. Everything else is acquired through conditioning and experience. The basis for my therapy starts with the individual person. Just like a plant or flower, if it does not receive the right conditions to blossom and thrive – then it won’t – but no one blames the plant……. I know the same to be true for each person – given the right conditions each person can fully heal and thrive, break through limiting beliefs, fears, conditioning and blockages that make them feel ‘stuck’ and ‘deficient’ or ‘broken’.
I have come through and created my family of 2 wonderful children – one through IVF and one through international adoption - when we were given a devastating diagnosis of complete male sterility a year into marriage and many, many female fertility challenges including treatment for cervical pre-cancerous cells and surgeries – the odds were against us – over 12 years we beat them. Using this life experience and with a tonne of empathy for those struggling with fertility, I specialise in fertility counselling and coaching for women or couples and also cultural adjustment counselling and coaching for newly arriving accompanying spouses or couples having completed and published a study of academic research in this field.
From my therapeutic toolbox, I offer counselling, life coaching, hypnotherapy, Reiki aura and chakra balancing with crystal healing, massage and aromatherapy. I am fully certified in all. I can now add my most recent training by the founder of this modality Karl Smith in the UK - Kinetic Energy Shift Hypnosis – a combination of hypnosis, body and energy work which can help to release unwanted bodyweight, shift blockages, PTSD and addiction.
I am also a qualified British Teacher and tutor children from 4 - 11 in Maths and English with added mindfulness for anxiety reduction and confidence building.
As each person who comes to me is unique in their souls, their life and their experience, they may maybe grieving and feeling loss, seeking guidance, feeling at a crossroads, in. need of healing or just in need of a listening and mentoring ear, I use whatever I intuit that each person needs and is to their highest good.

BA (Hons) PGCE
Diploma: Professional Hypnotherapy
Diploma: Life coaching
Diploma: Counselling
Reiki Master
Certified in Massage, Aromatherapy